CETOP is the European Fluid Power Committee, an international umbrella organization for theĀ fluid power associations in Europe.

Through the 17 national associations, which are member of CETOP, all well known companies in Europe belong to the European Committee. Many of these companies are leading fluid power manufacturers and major players in the international markets.

CETOP has developed sets of competence based qualifications to meet the occupational levels of those people involved in the maintenance and management of fluid power systems, and to cover the specific subjects of mobile hydraulics industrial hydraulics, power pneumatics and associated control system.

They form a structure for progressive learning and the acquisition of a range of competence assessed skills. Each level can be considered as a stand-alone qualification and level of achievement.

The level 2 programs ensure that component functionality, operation and application are fully understood. These programs have a higher technical content and provide a more in-depth approach to function, operation, application and the interpretation of circuitry.

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