Increased competencies on markets and technologies, and the path into future markets, will help businesses realign from mature and declining markets towards attractive new market segments.

Facilitating formation of transregional and cross-sector partnerships to pursue opportunities, further boosts the business development potential. The resulting future preparedness of North Sea Region players, in particular maritime and marine clusters and their members, may help it boost its position in the global blue economy.

Periscope aims to support Interreg North Sea’s objectives, first and foremost “Thinking growth” by strengthening cross-sector Blue Growth innovation capacity in the North Sea Region by bringing together the players for knowledge sharing, acceleration and launch of new innovation-projects for sustainable business development. Players include businesses, entrepreneurs, clusters/networks, researchers, universities, business angels, incubators, investors and funds, customers/users, regional and local authorities and development/business support agencies.

Segment: New Markets

Project owner: GCE NODE

GCE NODE Project Manager: Ann Marchioro

Period: 2017 – 2021

Funding: EU Interreg North Sea Region

Read more: Periscope web site