Nina Kittelstad and Anne Karine Solberg from Firenor in a conversation with Cap Gemini coaches Juni Oldensand and Yngvild Stormoen.

GCE NODE has launched a program to help its member companies to get a kick-start for sustainability reporting, including selecting the right standard(s) and approach.

The European Union’s Green Deal sets the direction for sustainability. As part of the plan, EU is implementing a Sustainability Directive (CSRD) which will directly impact 1,700 Norwegian companies. Starting in 2024, large companies of public interest will have to report in alignment with the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS). A year later, all larger companies will have to comply, and in 2026 listed SMEs will have to follow suit.

SMEs will probably face demands for sustainability reporting even earlier, since larger corporations must document their suppliers’ approach to sustainability.

“EU legislation is pushing large companies to standardize sustainability reporting. Small and medium-sized enterprises are next. Many have yet to grasp what is demanded from them. Our program offers insight and practical advice,” says Jan Helge Viste, Project Manager Digitalization at GCE NODE.

GCE NODE participants are offered seats at the “Sustainability Reporting in practice” program run in the Business Development Lab (BD-lab), with assistance from experienced coaches. Assessing the company’s impact on society and vice versa – a double materiality analysis – is one of the main topics. Another is learning how to report on scope 1, 2 and 3 of Greenhouse Gas emissions. A third topic is about strategic decisions about sustainability work, and eventually developing a (first) Sustainability Report for own company.

Segment: Competence

Project Owner: GCE NODE

GCE NODE Project Manager: Jan Helge Viste

Partners: EY and Capgemini

Period: 2023->

Funding: Innovation Norway