November 17th 2020

BW blocks 3.7 million e-mails every month

BW Offshore receives approximately 4 million e-mails every month. More than 3.7 million of them are automatically blocked.

November 16th 2020

OTC postponed to August 2021

The Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) Board of Directors has chosen to postpone the 2021 Houston event to 16–19 August.

November 16th 2020

All physical events postponed to 2021

Due to new Covid-19 restrictions, GCE NODE has decided to postpone all remaining physical events in 2020.

November 12th 2020

NODE-podcast: Nekkar

En ny episode av NODE-podden er ute. Møt konserndirektør Mette Harv i Nekkar, som forteller om overgangen fra olje og gass til havbruk, og om arbeidet med å utvikle en lukket fiskemerd.

November 11th 2020

New on GCE NODE Board of Directors

Representing Cameron Sense, Arnt Lauen has joined the GCE NODE Board of Directors, replacing Tom Fidjeland.

November 05th 2020

Security breaches may bankrupt you

If your worst fear is downtime, it is time to reconsider your cyber security strategy. It is not only your reputation, but also your existence that is at stake.

November 03rd 2020

Promoting diversity, gender equality for 10 years

Initiators Colleen Delane-Skibsrud and Helene Fladmark were present when NODE Eyde Women celebrated its first 10 years.

November 02nd 2020

Challenging market creates new opportunities

Telenor Maritime has lost no clients. Still, the market is slow due to Covid-19.

October 30th 2020

Revenues drop, margin maintained

MHWirth reports a significant drop in revenues in the third quarter, but is able to maintain its profit margin.