The Norwegian Embassy in the Hague visited the Norwegian pavilion in Rotterdam. Left-right: Geir Haugum (Business Region Kristiansand), Alice Leland Høye (Business Region Kristiansand), Bård Ivar Svendsen (Norwegian Ambassador), Gerber van Erven (Norwegian Embassy), Tanja Erichsen (Agder H2 Network), and Geir Hammersmark (Invest in Agder).

Hardly any other region has more hydrogen projects than Agder.

With five known projects under development, Agder is at the forefront of hydrogen in Norway. Two of the projects are located in Kvinesdal, while the other three are located in Kristiansand, Lillesand and Arendal respectively.

In addition, the region’s largest energy company, Å Energi, has decided to build a hydrogen pilot project at Kongsberg, as the first step of what could become a development of multiple hydrogen production sites in Southern Norway.

“There are many Norwegian hydrogen projects, but almost no investment decisions have been made. Here, Agder stands out. In the last few months alone, companies in our part of the country have decided to build two production plants for hydrogen. Hardly anyone has come further than Agder,” says Tanja Erichsen, Head of the Agder H2 Network.

The network brings together companies from all over Norway – but mostly from Agder – that have or seek a place in the hydrogen industry. This week, close to 20 people from the network companies attended the World Hydrogen Summit & Exhibition in Rotterdam, together with representatives of the Agder public sector. More than 18,000 people from all over the world came to be part of the event.

Kristiansand and Agder were very visible at the Norwegian pavilion in Rotterdam.

See more pictures from the Agder delegation at World Hydrogen Summit

“As was the case at the hydrogen expo in Brussels last fall, Agder had once again one of the largest delegations at the Norwegian pavilion. The Agder delegation found its natural place side by side with players such as Equinor, Yara and DNV,” says Erichsen.

The Agder delegation was organized and financed by the Agder H2 Network, Invest in Agder and Business Region Kristiansand.

“We are here to put Agder on the hydrogen map both nationally and internationally. It is important to build and maintain relationships with international players, regions, and authorities. We position Agder as an attractive place for business establishments and expertise,” says Business Manager in Kristiansand, Geir Haugum.

“We facilitate an arena that creates relationships and export opportunities for our business sector, while keeping us up to date on what is happening and which way the hydrogen industry is moving,” adds Geir Hammersmark, Head of Invest in Agder.

“We have met new potential customers to be followed up in days to come,” says Rune Lunde at Sales Manager at Origo Solutions.

Participating companies report great benefits from being part of the Agder delegation in Rotterdam.

“I am impressed! The whole world is represented with large pavilions. It documents the speed with which the hydrogen industry develops. We have met new potential customers to be followed up in days to come,” says Rune Lunde at Sales Manager at Origo Solutions.

Jan Erik Norli, CEO of Aragea, found it important to travel to the hydrogen summit in Rotterdam.

“We have met lots of interesting people and companies and received relevant updates on technology and ecosystems. The trip has provided us with several potential international partners, in addition to building relationships locally and nationally,” says Norli.

Energy company Å Energi has previously talked about the importance of attending international trade shows.

Jan Erik Norli, CEO of Aragea, says the trip to Rotterdam provided several potential international partners. Norli is meeting with Alice Leland Høye (Business Region Kristiansand, left) and Ingrid Michalsen (Kristiansand Chamber of Commerce).

Agder is a Norwegian center of gravity for hydrogen. In addition to the five known projects, and the long-standing hydrogen production facility at Glencore in Kristiansand, several regional players have announced that they are working on new hydrogen projects.

“Agder has a coastline with resources, transferable expertise from oil and gas, and a favorable location towards the European market. We acknowledge that Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands have come much further than Norway in the field of hydrogen. The relationships created here have given us good dialogue with authorities and companies, as well as exciting development partners and potential customers from the leading hydrogen development regions in Europe,” says Alice Leland Høye at Business Region Kristiansand.

On 5 June, Agder H2 Network pursues more international opportunities with a new event in collaboration with the Norwegian-German Chamber of Commerce in connection with the national hydrogen conference. On 6 June, the city of Kristiansand, together with Equinor, is invited to an energy debate in the Netherlands.

Ida Synnøve Bukkholm (Business Developer, GreenH) met with Mikkel Tørud (CEO, North Ammonia, left), and Fabian Ødeskaug (Business Developer, North Ammonia) in Rotterdam.
Ingrid Michalsen (Deputy Manager, Kristiansand Chamber of Commerce), Ingebjørg Telnes Wilhelmsen (General Secretary of Norwegian Hydrogen Forum), and Tanja Erichsen (Head of Agder H2 Network).