When Norway’s leading fish farmer MOWI presents its unsolved challenges, the Agder supplier industry could very well have the solutions.

Employing 11,500 people, MOWI is the world’s largest provider of Atlantic salmon with harvest volumes corresponding to a 20 per cent global market share – or 8 million meals per day.

The company takes part in the two-day aquaculture conference in Kvinesdal later this month. During the session “Unsolved technical challenges and demands in the aquaculture industry”, Bernhard Østebøvik, Production Manager at MOWI South will take the stage to discuss how technology can improve conditions for the fish.

Says Christian von der Ohe, RD&I Manager at GCE NODE:

“I strongly believe that our industry can contribute with technological improvements to the aquaculture industry. A dialogue between MOWI, and other fish farmers, and the traditional oil and gas suppliers in our region, may prove fruitful. Some of the NODE cluster companies have already found a foothold in aquaculture and are looking to expand their business within this lucrative industry”.

von der Ohe encourages NODE companies to participate at the conference.

“If you want to gain access to the aquaculture industry, this is the perfect time and venue. There will be ample time for networking and dialogue,” says von der Ohe.

The purpose of the aquaculture conference is to gain a better understanding of framework conditions, digital transformation, challenges and needs in the aquaculture industry – and future solutions. The conference is a cooperation between GCE NODE, Innakva Cluster, Stiim Aqua Cluster, NCE Aquatech Cluster, and EDIH Oceanpolis.

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