August 16th 2023

Protected: Startskudd for norsk havvind: Presentasjoner

Takk for deltaksen på Arendalsuka-arrangementet om startskuddet for norsk havvind. Her er presentasjonene vi har tillatelse til å dele.

August 16th 2023

Protected: Nasjonalt kompetansesenter for havvind: Presentasjoner

Takk for deltakelsen på Arendalsuka-arrangementet om samarbeid innen havvind. Her finner du de presentasjonene som vi har tillatelse til å dele.

August 15th 2023

Minister came with funds to ‘further strengthen competence in Agder’

Offshore wind players in Agder met with the Norwegian Minister of Petroleum and Energy Terje Aasland in Arendal Tuesday, and received funds to build a competence center of national dimensions.

August 15th 2023

Protected: The Future of Energy 2023: Presentasjoner

Takk for deltakelsen på The Future of Energy 2023. Her finner du presentasjonene som vi har tillatelse til å dele.

August 14th 2023

Discussing global issues in Arendal

Bringing world issues to Arendal, the Global Outlook 2023 conference addressed the war in Ukraine, inequality, Chinese aggression, and more.

August 14th 2023

Heading towards 1.6 degrees. Will nuclear be part of solution?

“We are heading for 1.6 degrees,” said Jarand Rystad. “Nuclear power needs to be part of the future energy mix,” said Sunniva Rose.

August 11th 2023

Real-time data from water to cloud

Underwater data communication is very demanding. Join a workshop in Grimstad to find new approaches and smarter devices for real-time data transfer from underwater sensors to cloud.

August 10th 2023

Apply for delivery of training in ELBE Eurocluster

GCE NODE is pleased to invite your company to participate in delivery of training in the ELBE Eurocluster project.

July 06th 2023

“Let’s make wind turbines!”

“We should not limit ourselves to producing anything less than the entire floating offshore wind structure, including the wind turbine itself,” says Bjarne Skeie.