October 06th 2022

National Budget: Building offshore wind competence in Agder

The Norwegian government has allocated NOK 5 million in the 2023 National Budget for further development of offshore wind competence in Agder.

October 02nd 2022

Making the world’s deserts green again

Transforming desert sand into fertile soil is a process that usually takes years. The Norwegian company Desert Control provides technology to do it in hours.

October 02nd 2022

Telenor Maritime rules the waves

Following the signing of a new contract, Telenor Maritime now provides satellite-based communication services to more than 100 ferries worldwide.

September 29th 2022

Equinor impressed by Agder region

Having met with Agder representatives on numerous occasions Arne Eik, Project Director for Sørlige Nordsjø II at Equinor, is impressed by the region’s focus on offshore wind.

September 28th 2022

What to do with CO2?

Do we have to store CO2? Or could we also make use of the greenhouse gas?

September 27th 2022

Norseman Wind, EnBW move to Kristiansand

The Norwegian offshore wind consortium Norseman Wind, and the German energy giant EnBW, have moved their Norwegian offshore wind office from Stavanger to Kristiansand.

September 25th 2022

Cluster of clusters gathered in Kristiansand

Seven of Europe’s top clusters for blue energy gathered in Kristiansand last week.

September 24th 2022

Heading for Hamburg

More than 70 people from the Agder region are heading for the Hamburg WindEnergy expo and conference this week.

September 24th 2022

Applying for a NOK 116 million offshore wind research project

Several GCE NODE companies take part in what could become one of the largest Norwegian offshore wind research projects ever.