January 03rd 2021

New chair of SFI Offshore Mechatronics

Tom Fidjeland replaces Leif Haukom as Chairman of the Board of the SFI Offshore Mechatronics, a center for research-driven innovation.

January 02nd 2021

Major events in 2021

We could be entering another year with Covid-19 restrictions and cancellations, but there is reason to believe that some major events will resurface in 2021.

January 02nd 2021

Non-oil revenues expected to increase

Suppliers to the oil and gas industry expect revenues from other industries to increase, according to a new survey.

January 01st 2021

General terms for events

General Terms for participation at events organized by or in cooperation with GCE NODE or GCE NODE Service AS (hereafter NODE).

January 01st 2021

Privacy Policy

GCE NODE and GCE NODE (NODE) Service take your privacy seriously and is committed to protecting your privacy rights.

December 28th 2020

10 companies joined GCE NODE in 2020

GCE NODE welcomed 10 new cluster participants in 2020.

December 18th 2020

MHWirth awarded drilling equipment package for drillship

MHWirth has received notification of award of a contract for delivery of a drilling equipment package to Guangzhou Marine Geological Survey (GMGS).

December 10th 2020

Large subsea contract for CSUB

CSUB introduces new well protection and wins large contract in The North Sea.

December 07th 2020

From products to services

PhD Candidate sets out to describe the role of digitalization as the ecosystem moves towards service- and outcome-oriented business models.