August 22nd 2022

A key player in the offshore wind adventure

"If Norway is to succeed in offshore wind, there is no bypassing the region of Agder."

August 21st 2022

Essential metals are ‘no showstopper’

“Some argue that limited availability of certain metals will hinder the green transition. I disagree,” says Jarand Rystad, CEO of Rystad Energy.

August 17th 2022

150 gigawatts in 2050

30 gigawatts offshore wind in 2040. That is the Norwegian ambition. CEO of Siemens Norway believes it should be five times higher!

August 16th 2022

Underinvestment will lead to O&G shortage

If industry leaders and market analysts are right, oil and gas prices will remain high for a long time.

August 16th 2022

Protected: Future of Energy 2022: Presentations

Download the presentations from Future of Energy 2022.

August 15th 2022

Concerned about a US-China conflict

“For the first time in 35 years, I am concerned about the possibility of a war between US and China,” says Kevin Rudd, former Prime Minister of Australia.

August 15th 2022

A clean Europe in a dirty world

As ‘climate’ has been replaced by ‘energy security’ as the world’s favorite subject matter, what are the effects?

August 01st 2022

Two start-ups join GCE NODE

Two start-ups are accepted as participants of GCE NODE.

July 17th 2022

Master students study GCE NODE cluster and company

University of Agder master’s theses address GCE NODE companies' framework conditions and approach to the green transition.