August 05th 2015

Renewed Gold Label

GCE NODE is among Europe’s top business clusters and has a Gold Label to prove it.

August 05th 2015

Kronikk: Fra forskning til verdiskaping og arbeidsplasser

Et velfungerende økosystem for nyskaping og omstilling krever et samspill mellom forskning og utvikling, kombinert med pilotering og markedskvalifisering, en velfungerende inkubatorordning og tilgang på såkornkapital.

August 01st 2015

August 17: Global Outlook in Arendal

Global Outlook Norway is an annual arena aimed at strengthening the role of business, political and academic leaders enabling them to play a key role in determining the solutions needed for sustainable development. Register today!

August 01st 2015

August 18: Energy Outlook in Arendal

The Energy Outlook conference in Arendal has three focus areas: Market outlook, Technology outlook and Implementation of new technologies and business models. Register today!

August 01st 2015

August 18: Post-conference boat trip

Join us for a post-conference boat trip through the local archipelago onboard the municipality of Grimstad’s schooner «Solrik».

June 26th 2015

Ecotrack nearing completion

Phase 1 of the Ecotrack project is nearing completion. The project’s main deliverable, an analysis model for documenting the environmental characteristics of products and services supplied by NODE companies, has undergone pilot implementation.

June 26th 2015

New leadership at University of Agder

Frank Reichert is confirmed as Rector and Seunn Smith-Tønnessen named University Director at University of Agder.

June 26th 2015

MIL: Construction starts this fall

The long awaited Mechatronics Innovation Lab could open late 2016. Nothing would please Project Manager Morten Kollerup Bak more.

June 26th 2015

Now hiring: PhD candidates

To build competence in the industry, the new Centre for Offshore Mechatronics looks to recruit 15 to 20 PhD candidates from NODE companies.