December 10th 2014

NODE joins Silicon Valley Robotics

NODE joins Silicon Valley Robotics as a Global Partner affiliate member.

December 10th 2014

MNOK 1 to Offshore Data Community

The Research Council of Norway has awarded MNOK 1 to a project on big data offshore.

November 28th 2014

Norsafe-founder wins Entrepreneur of the Year award

CEO and founder of Norsafe, Geir Skaala, is the Ernst and Young’s Norwegian Entrepreneur of the Year.

November 28th 2014

NODE welcomes Offshore Procurement as member

Offshore Procurement is accepted as member of GCE NODE.

November 28th 2014

Safety Design sold to ERM

Purchase of NODE-member Safety Design strengthens ERM’s capability in risk management to the oil and gas industry in Norway and the North Sea.

November 27th 2014

Break-through for OPS Composites Solution

NODE-member OPS Composites Solution recently signed an agreement with Siemens Oil & Gas to produce 30 separators made out of composite.

November 27th 2014

Minister expects industry cost-cuts from Center for Offshore Mechatronics

Minister of Petroleum and Energy, Tord Lien, expects Center for Offshore Mechatronics to contribute to reducing costs in the oil and gas industry.

November 27th 2014

Air Products named Top Business in Agder 2014

Air Products received most votes and was named Top Business in Agder 2014 (Årets Sørlandsbedrift).

November 24th 2014

Vote for Air Products as Top Business in Agder

NODE-member Air Products is in the final race to be named Top Business in Agder 2014 (Årets Sørlandsbedrift).