October 18th 2014

Promoted pilot-testing lab to top politicians

- A pilot-testing lab is extremely important for us to maintain our competitive edge, said Tor Henning Ramfjord, chairman of GCE NODE and CEO of National Oilwell Varco, when he met top politicians at Sørlandstinget Friday.

October 13th 2014

Dolmen new head of RDI

Marit Dolmen has been appointed head of research, development and innovation in GCE NODE.

October 12th 2014

Four areas of RDI

NODE will focus on four areas for research, development and innovation: Materials, mechatronics, ICT and business.

October 11th 2014

Will repeat Global Outlook in 2015

Inspired by a huge turnout for the first ever Global Outlook Norway, organizers are determined to repeat next year.

October 10th 2014

Joint NODE-stand at OTC?

NODE companies are invited to be part of a joint stand at OTC, the world’s largest oil and gas expo.

October 09th 2014

NODE supports TV-aksjonen

NODE is a proud supporter of TV-aksjonen, a Norwegian fundraising initiative from the national public broadcaster, NRK.

September 12th 2014

Female Future Norsk olje og gass 2015

Et karriereutviklingsprogram for kvinner som fokuserer på ledelse, styrearbeid, profilering og nettverksbygging.

July 28th 2014


Søk SkatteFUNN nå og send inn søknaden så snart som mulig og innen 1. september
Har din bedrift planer om å forbedre eller utvikle en ny vare, tjeneste eller produksjonsprosess? Eller er dere allerede i gang med et prosjekt? SkatteFUNN gir din bedrift inntil 20 prosent skattefradrag for forsknings- eller utviklingskostnader forbundet med FoU-prosjektet deres. Er ikke din bedrift i skatteposisjon, så utbetales støtten som et kontant tilskudd fra likningsmyndighetene.

SkatteFUNN-søknader mottas hele året og behandles fortløpende. Merk at kostnader påløpt i løpet av 2014 kan gi grunnlag for skattefradrag hvis søknaden blir sendt inn innen utgangen av 1. september 2014.

June 18th 2014

NODE has as one of the two first Norwegian clusters received Global Center of Expertise (GCE) status

In a ceremony in Oslo Wednesday morning, NODE was officially named Global Center of Expertise (GCE).