June 05th 2020
I en serie podcast fra GCE NODE møter du toppledere fra bedrifter i klyngen.
June 03rd 2020
Just minutes after the Norwegian government made public its first hydrogen strategy, more than 500 people attended the Norwegian Hydrogen Conference 2020.
May 29th 2020
Tom Fidjeland, former senior executive at Cameron and National Oilwell Varco, has been appointed CEO of GCE NODE.
May 28th 2020
Three new board members were elected at the GCE NODE Annual Meeting Thursday.
The Annual Meeting unanimously changed the GCE NODE statutes to allow companies without offices in the Agder region.
GCE NODE addressed floating wind, offshore aquaculture and subsea mining at a meeting with the Mayor of Kristiansand Thursday morning.
May 26th 2020
The current document describes the cluster’s strategy for the period 2020-2024 (until the end of the Innovation Norway 10-year GCE-funding period).
Having signed large offshore contracts, Trond Ove Nygård, co-owner and Technical Manager at G.T Automasjon & Elektroservice, has reason to smile.
May 19th 2020
Ta kurset «Elements of AI» på norsk – sammen med andre fra NODE-klynga.