March 16th 2015

The year everything is connected

Many experts believe 2015 to be the year when we see a stronger integration of data and life. NODE-professor Baltasar Beferull Lozano explains why.

February 25th 2015

Record-breaking deal for Nymo

- Our biggest contract ever, says CEO Øyvind Boye as Grimstad-based Nymo prepares to build a module on drilling platform for Johan Sverdrup.

February 19th 2015

Air Products Norway meets US Department of Energy in Oslo

Green shipping and carbon capture is on the agenda when Air Products meets US Department of Energy in Oslo next week.

February 13th 2015

Kick-off for robotics program

A new project, Future Robotics, aims to accelerate the southern part of Norway into a leading position within robotization and automation.

February 13th 2015

Getting ready for OTC

A delegation from the Agder region is preparing for the world’s largest oil and gas expo, OTC 2015 in Houston.

February 13th 2015

Dinner with the Minister

Mayor Arvid Grundekjøn hosted a dinner where Tord Lien, Minister of Petroleum and Energy, met with a group of CEOs from the oil and gas industry in Agder Tuesday.

February 12th 2015

Skeie honored by City of Kristiansand

- Don’t be afraid of making mistakes. I have done a lot of mistakes. Learn from them and try to do more rights than wrongs, said entrepreneur and oil and gas legend Bjarne Skeie.

February 12th 2015

NODE present at Karrieredagen

What is a cluster? And are there any jobs available? asked students who visited NODE’s stand at Karrieredagen (Career Day) at the University of Agder.

February 10th 2015

NODE receives funding for RD&I Projects

GCE NODE receives funding for several RD&I projects from Sørlandets Kompetansefond.