August 17th 2019

O&G competence transfers to offshore wind

MacGregor and Origo Solutions are already suppliers to the world’s first floating wind farm. National Oilwell Varco has ongoing deliveries to offshore wind projects.

August 17th 2019

«Aquaculture has great potential»

CSUB and Scanmatic have transferred technology from oil and gas to aquaculture. MacGregor supplies fishing vessels with specialized cranes.

August 17th 2019

Part of a seabed mining pilot

Fenner Mandals is a front runner among GCE NODE companies when it comes to subsea mining.

August 17th 2019

Committed to geothermal energy

A few companies are exploring the possibilities presented by geothermal energy, which could be a huge source of energy in years to come.

August 14th 2019

Government should kickstart offshore wind

Participants at a GCE NODE offshore wind seminar ask government to help kickstart the Norwegian offshore wind industry.

August 14th 2019

Addressed climate change and digitalization

GCE NODE’s final seminar during Arendalsuka 2019 addressed two global mega trends: Climate change and digitalization.

August 13th 2019

Expect more autonomous offshore operations

Artificial intelligence and machine learning look more appealing than ever before and will enable autonomous operations offshore.

August 12th 2019

Oil and gas vital part of energy future

“Oil and gas will be a huge part of the future energy mix, and continued Norwegian production is in compliance with the Paris accord,” says Minister of Petroleum and Energy, Kjell-Børge Freiberg.

August 12th 2019

Minister impressed by GCE NODE companies

Minister of Petroleum and Energy, Kjell-Børge Freiberg, met with GCE NODE and five cluster companies in Arendal Monday.