October 10th 2017
GCE NODE and research partners return from Tokyo with plans for a stronger collaboration between Japan and Norway.
Marit Dolmen, RD&I Manager at GCE NODE, will assume the position as Manager of Process Development at Elkem AS Technology.
October 09th 2017
”I am honored to receive this recognition,” says Anne-Grete Ellingsen, who was recently inducted into the Offshore Energy Center’s Hall of Fame.
October 06th 2017
Norwegian and German businesses and academic institutions met in Berlin to address the potential in deep sea mining.
October 05th 2017
Vår dyktige FoUI-leder går til ny lederstilling i regionens næringsliv. Vi søker en dyktig erstatter som kan videreføre arbeidet hun har ledet.
Norwegian Tunnel Safety Cluster and GCE NODE sign agreement to cooperate on competence, research and development.
October 04th 2017
“We are impressed,” says Liv Øyulvstad, General Manager for Innovation Kvinesdal, after GCE NODE presented its projects and plans.
September 27th 2017
The Iranian oil and gas sector needs investments and upgrades. Norwegian technology is sought after.
September 26th 2017
“I would love to help new companies succeed and create new jobs in our region,” says Tor Henning Ramfjord.