April 20th 2016

Seeking individuals for new “Idea-lab”

The Research Council of Norway is looking for 25-30 individuals who will join an effort to find radically new solutions to existing and future challenges.

April 19th 2016

Entrepreneurs shared success stories

Three entrepreneurs from Agder shared their success stories with investors and other entrepreneurs at an investor and innovation conference in Grimstad Tuesday.

April 19th 2016

Fully booked conference will be annual event

As first edition was fully booked, the investor and innovation conference in Grimstad has already been made in to an annual event.

April 19th 2016

”Empty your wallets!”

“This is a historic opportunity to make a great investment. So please empty you wallets!” says Erik Tønnesen.

April 19th 2016

22 companies in Kristiansand Greenhouse

The Greenhouse in Kristiansand, a place for smart people with great ideas, now houses 22 start-up companies.

April 15th 2016

Næringspolitikk uten grønn logikk

Staten bruker milliardbeløp for at Hydro skal produsere aluminium med verdens laveste CO2-utslipp. Den norske oljeindustrien, som allerede har verdens laveste CO2-utslipp per fat, avspises med småsummer i tøffe tider.

April 11th 2016

Exploring business opportunities in Iran

As international sanctions against Iran are lifted, NODE takes an initiative to establish a network to learn more about market opportunities in Iran.

April 06th 2016

“Robots help us outperform China”

Business is blooming for IMS Group after the acquisition of a production robot.

April 06th 2016

How sensors can improve your business

Experts from Germany, England, USA and Norway are among the speakers at the On-board sensing for smart components workshop in Grimstad.