March 10th 2020

Agder well positioned for offshore wind

“Offshore wind is industry and jobs. Offshore wind is energy with low emissions. Offshore wind is an opportunity to export technology to the rest of the world.”

March 09th 2020

Strong popular support for oil and gas

A clear majority of Norwegians are in favor of continued production on the Norwegian continental shelf.

March 06th 2020

Høyesen will serve as interim CEO

Høye Høyesen is appointed interim CEO of GCE NODE.

March 04th 2020

How to prepare for a more automated future

Industry 4.0 was the main topic at the third annual Agder Competence Forum in Kristiansand Wednesday.

February 27th 2020

One new Germany, every year

The world population increases at a rate of 80 million people – equivalent to one new Germany – every year. How do we provide energy to a rising population in an increasingly warm world?

February 25th 2020

“Speak well of our industry”

GCE NODE companies delivered a clear message to Minister of Petroleum and Energy: Speak well of our industry!

February 25th 2020

“Technology can make a difference”

“Our industry offers opportunities for those who want to save the world,” says Minister of Petroleum and Energy, Tina Bru.

February 25th 2020

Innspill til Klima- og miljødepartementet om Enovas rolle

Klima- og miljødepartementet inviterer til innspillsmøte om hvordan Enova bør innrettes for å få mest mulig klima og omstilling for midlene de forvalter.

February 17th 2020

Follow-up of Level-Up

Five GCE NODE companies took part in the first edition of the Level-Up project. Project management recently visited Eaton Hernis for a follow-up.