August 22nd 2016

Seabed mining cruise underway

A research cruise is underway to investigate the potential for mineral extraction on the seabed.

August 18th 2016

Selling Norway to the world

Innovation Norway will develop Norway as a brand to become more visible on the international market.

August 18th 2016

University important part of cluster

”A close cooperation between the industry and the university has produced good results for the Agder region”, says Anne-Grete Ellingsen, CEO at GCE NODE.

August 16th 2016

“We put more trust in our suppliers”

Increased cooperating with suppliers is part of Det norske oljeselskap's strategy to become the benchmark independent oil company.

August 16th 2016

Paper work costs oil companies billions

Specifications and documentation requirements cost Norwegian oil companies an estimated BNOK 50 extra every year.

August 16th 2016

O&G essential for future energy mix

“There are some serious challenges facing our industry, but oil and gas will definitely play a major role in the future”, says Eirik Wærness, Chief Economist at Statoil.

August 16th 2016

Renewables increasingly competitive

The cost of renewable energy drops by 20 percent every time production doubles. This makes renewable energy increasingly competitive.

August 16th 2016

Huge potential for automation

The global leader in robotics, ABB, is waiting for the oil and gas industry to fully utilize the potential for automation of work processes.

August 15th 2016

Schlumberger works to reduce emissions

What can Schlumberger do to reduce emissions and how can the company help their customers reduce their emissions?