November 21st 2014

Awarded Center for Offshore Mechatronics

University of Agder, GCE NODE and partners are awarded MNOK 192 over 8 years for a Center for Offshore Mechatronics.

November 21st 2014

No money for the pilot test lab

Negotiations on the national budget ended without any funding for the Mechatronics Innovation Lab.

November 20th 2014

Fast growing On & Offshore Services

NODE-member On & Offshore Services is a fast growing company. Article in DN today.

November 20th 2014

– Oil will be back at 95 dollars by summer

- We expect the price of oil to return to 95 dollars per barrel by next summer, said oil analyst Trond Omdal in Pareto as he addressed NODE-executives Thursday.

November 18th 2014

– Norway should be proud of NODE

- NODE is a world-class technology cluster of which Norway should be very proud, says Jan Tore Sanner, Minister of Local Government and Modernization.

November 12th 2014

Accenture om Big Data

Accenture publiserer rapport om Big Data.

November 12th 2014

Konjunkturrapport fra Norsk Olje & Gass

Les årets konjunkturrapport fra Norsk Olje & Gass.

November 11th 2014

NODE met nine heads of state

CEO of NODE, Anne-Grete Ellingsen, was invited to the Nordic-Baltic-British summit in Finland last week.

November 05th 2014

Support for pilot test lab

The Mechatronic Innovation Lab (MIL, aka Sørlandslaben) has received strong support from The Norwegian Society of Engineers and Technologists (NITO Agder) and The Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions (LO Agder).