January 25th 2024

Rystad: Remarkable year for renewable energy

Solar and wind energy increased by 38 per cent in 2023 compared to 2022. Fossil fuels plummeted.

January 25th 2024

Selling majority of Star Information Systems

Norwegian private equity company Longship has acquired a majority stake in Star Information Systems, paving the way for accelerated growth.

January 18th 2024

Constantly seeking new RD&I possibilities

GCE NODE is currently part of eight large national and international research, development and innovations projects and constantly seeking participation in new relevant projects.

January 17th 2024

Delivering knowledge on demand

Noroff has made it its business to deliver the kind of knowledge and skills your business needs, when it needs it.

January 15th 2024

Financial support to individual SMEs

The European project ELBE EUROCLUSTER has opened the first call for "Financial Support To Individual Services".

January 05th 2024

New CEO of Tratec Norcon

Nils Kjetil Sande has been appointed CEO of Tratec Norcon.

January 03rd 2024

Developing floating wind generator with no rare-earth-elements

World Wide Wind receives grant for the development of a rare-earth-element free generator for floating offshore wind applications.

December 29th 2023

NOV opens test center

Drill floor robotics and the energy-saving PowerBlade are the two cornerstones of the new NOV Test Center.

December 28th 2023

Looking forward to offshore wind auction

In February, the first Norwegian offshore wind license will be auctioned off. “I expect there will be bids,” says Rune Klausen, Project Manager at Fremtidens Havvind.