August 18th 2018

Presentations from Intelligent Solutions for Safe and Efficient Road Transport

Download presentations from the GCE NODE event Intelligent Solutions for Safe and Efficient Road Transport at Arendalsuka 2018.

August 18th 2018

Presentations from Ocean Industries and Sustainability

Download presentations from the GCE NODE event Ocean Industries and Sustainability at Arendalsuka 2018.

August 15th 2018

Digital disruption in ocean industries

New digital technology will disrupt old business models in various ocean industries, according to speakers at a seminar in Arendal Wednesday afternoon.

August 15th 2018

Oil and gas know-how makes for better roads

Competence from the oil and gas industry has spilled over into the transportation sector to help build roads smarter and faster.

August 15th 2018

Søviknes visited Norsafe, Norac

The Minister and Deputy Minister of the Norwegian Ministry of Petroleum and Energy visited GCE NODE companies Norsafe and Norac in Arendal Tuesday.

August 14th 2018

Expects spike in oil prices next year

Market Analyst Richard Mallison at Energy Aspects says oil prices could rise to more than 100 dollars per barrel next year.

August 14th 2018

GCE NODE, IFE sign collaboration agreement

Technology cluster GCE NODE and Institute for Energy Technology (IFE) have signed an agreement to strengthen collaboration on research and innovation.

August 14th 2018

Minister ready to open areas for offshore wind

Minister of Petroleum and Energy, Terje Søviknes, is set on opening two new areas for offshore wind on the Norwegian Continental Shelf this fall.

August 14th 2018

How to reduce CO2-emission in a world that demands more energy

The future of energy was discussed in Arendal Monday, when GCE NODE opened a series of events at Arendalsuka.